Wrapped and Gone
Phew! Never have two scarves taken so long! Well, two scarves that I worked on without taking breaks to work on other things.
I reworked the slip-stitch scarf for Wyatt's dad, the blue and yellow striped scarf. That came out well. And long. I then set to work on a three-color slip-stitch scarf for my niece. She mentioned that she really like the colors on the cover of a book I sent her, The Jew in the Lotus. Unfortunately, the photos available online, and scanned in from my own copy, don't do justice to the subtle shades of the actual book. And finding yarns in those colors that wouldn't just wash out was difficult. So, I chose deeper hues of the three main colors, a deep blue, pumpkin and sort of yellowy daffodil.
And worked up one 3-color mosaic scarf pattern that was nice enough on the front side, but not very attractive on the back. Since this was going to be a scarf, I wanted it nicer on the back. So I frogged the second or third attempt with with pattern, despite having found the needle size that created the fabric feel I wanted.
Scraping that pattern, I pulled out another 3-color mosaic pattern and began working that on various sized needles. The size that made a nice scarf-feel didn't look as good as the stitch pattern worked with smaller needles that resulted in a not nice scarf fabric. So, I said t'heck with it, I'll make a hat instead--later--and ordered some soft off-white Micro Chic (by Gedifra) to make a scarf for her.
Finally! All done! I get the scarves and Wyatt's hat packed up in the Priority Mail box, seal the box up, and then see the card I was going to enclose, sitting there on my desk. Fortunately, I hadn't printed out the Click 'n Ship (I love you, USPS!), so I sliced open the box, put the card in, and sealed it back up again.
After the label was printed and pasted on the box, covering the top-of-the-box seal, I realized that I hadn't taken photos of the scarves. ::sigh:: So, I flipped the box over, razored open the bottom seal, dug out the scarves (which were packed on the top of the box, of course), photographed them, and sealed them back up.
Thank goodness they like the scarves, and Wyatt has informed his mom that she is not permitted to wear his hat!
Here's a close-up of Soma's scarf, in the faggoted herringbone pattern I love so much.

Here's Mike wearing her scarf. Hmmm...it looks like a sort of furry tallit (Jewish prayer shawl) on him.

Here's Tim's scarf, which I really like, and may have to knit one for myself.

Here's a close-up of my purple scarf, knit using a strand of Katia's Diana together with a strand of Crystal Palace's Little Flowers. The actual color is darker, deeper.

Dunno why I'm having such trouble photographing things today - they either come out too light or blurred because my whole body seems to be vibrating. Well, who cares. At least I'm vibrating with a gorgeous scarf that goes superbly with some of my purple tops. What else matters?!
I reworked the slip-stitch scarf for Wyatt's dad, the blue and yellow striped scarf. That came out well. And long. I then set to work on a three-color slip-stitch scarf for my niece. She mentioned that she really like the colors on the cover of a book I sent her, The Jew in the Lotus. Unfortunately, the photos available online, and scanned in from my own copy, don't do justice to the subtle shades of the actual book. And finding yarns in those colors that wouldn't just wash out was difficult. So, I chose deeper hues of the three main colors, a deep blue, pumpkin and sort of yellowy daffodil.
And worked up one 3-color mosaic scarf pattern that was nice enough on the front side, but not very attractive on the back. Since this was going to be a scarf, I wanted it nicer on the back. So I frogged the second or third attempt with with pattern, despite having found the needle size that created the fabric feel I wanted.
Scraping that pattern, I pulled out another 3-color mosaic pattern and began working that on various sized needles. The size that made a nice scarf-feel didn't look as good as the stitch pattern worked with smaller needles that resulted in a not nice scarf fabric. So, I said t'heck with it, I'll make a hat instead--later--and ordered some soft off-white Micro Chic (by Gedifra) to make a scarf for her.
Finally! All done! I get the scarves and Wyatt's hat packed up in the Priority Mail box, seal the box up, and then see the card I was going to enclose, sitting there on my desk. Fortunately, I hadn't printed out the Click 'n Ship (I love you, USPS!), so I sliced open the box, put the card in, and sealed it back up again.
After the label was printed and pasted on the box, covering the top-of-the-box seal, I realized that I hadn't taken photos of the scarves. ::sigh:: So, I flipped the box over, razored open the bottom seal, dug out the scarves (which were packed on the top of the box, of course), photographed them, and sealed them back up.
Thank goodness they like the scarves, and Wyatt has informed his mom that she is not permitted to wear his hat!
Here's a close-up of Soma's scarf, in the faggoted herringbone pattern I love so much.

Here's Mike wearing her scarf. Hmmm...it looks like a sort of furry tallit (Jewish prayer shawl) on him.

Here's Tim's scarf, which I really like, and may have to knit one for myself.

Here's a close-up of my purple scarf, knit using a strand of Katia's Diana together with a strand of Crystal Palace's Little Flowers. The actual color is darker, deeper.

Dunno why I'm having such trouble photographing things today - they either come out too light or blurred because my whole body seems to be vibrating. Well, who cares. At least I'm vibrating with a gorgeous scarf that goes superbly with some of my purple tops. What else matters?!
>>But after reading your article, I'm wondering if I did the right thing helping the bearded dragons.
Well, you did what you did, and you have three beardies who are getting good care now. While you can't un-ring the bell, you can educate yourself, as you obviously have been doing, so as to be able to tell good stores from the bad, and patronize the good ones.
I don't think there is a rescuer out there working with any type of animal who didn't start out thinking pet stores were owned and staffed by people who are vastly knowledgeable about the animals they sell and have the animals best interest at heart, not the bottom line, and got into doing rescue after having their illusions shattered, usually while staring open-mouthed at the vet or a comprehensive care article as they realize all the things they've been doing wrong - because that's what the pet store told them to do.
The only way to know if a pet store is good or bad is to check them out. One way to help keep others from making mistakes is by helping educate them, about who the good and bad stores are in your area, where to find good critter care information, and making informed decisions about what kind of animal they are going to get - before they actually get it.
So, if you're doing that, I don't see any reason why you need to beat yourself up for taking care of these three beardies...
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