You know it's hot...
...when your tropical lizard forsakes his tropically-heated room (well, temperately-located room heated to tropical temperatures at great cost to The Mommy), and shuns even the flannel and down nest he so favors, to sleep someplace less bloody effin' hot! (I have lost track of the number of days we have been sweltering with days over 100F and nights not much cooler than 65F.)

In case you're sweltering, too, keep in mind that our critters also suffer from temps that are too hot for them. I have some suggestions (that do not include sleeping in the bottom of the bookcase) for herps that can be used for other types of critters, too, in my Microclimates for Your Reptiles article.

In case you're sweltering, too, keep in mind that our critters also suffer from temps that are too hot for them. I have some suggestions (that do not include sleeping in the bottom of the bookcase) for herps that can be used for other types of critters, too, in my Microclimates for Your Reptiles article.
I am happy that you're feeling better and posting again. That picture of Mike is just great!
It's good that you are posting again. I like your writing about herps. I think they're brilliant. But I've notice some serious herpers and even amateur have some animosity towards them for some reason. Just glad you are still alright!
Well, Melissa, it has been a long time. Looking around some old files I found an email exchange dated Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 10:02:24 -0700 Woody
> I think the maximum lenght of any of the iguanas is about 7 feet snout to
> tip of tail. Got any ideas?
Sorry, forgot to address this: Green igs, the longest of
all igs, ranges between 5-6 ft, with some males occasionally
reaching 6.6-7 feet by dint of an exceptionally long tail...
Well we moved to Nacogdoches about 4 years ago. Dragon Stomper was in good shape. Once I got up here, being without a job basically, I started supplimenting his food with wild plants. I stuck to what I thought were safe plants, dandylions and related milkweeds. One day about 6 months later, I went out to feed him, and he was spastic, jerking his head back and forth, and died that night. 58 inches snout to tip. I got him sometime in 96 I think, so he lived amost 10 years. I don't know what killed him, something I fed him that grew locally. Apparently it was cumulative. He had his collards, mustards mix regularly, supplimented with wild greens, with an occasional chunk of tofu, and carrots. So just a warning, there are some plants that can induce fatalities, and they are not necessarily obvious.
My email address is still the same
Sorry to hear about Dragon Stomper, Woody...
The plant world is a wondrous thing - some plants may be safely edible while their close cousins are not. Milkweed and dandelions contain compounds or metabolites which can be toxic in quantity. Some populations may have higher levels than others. If these plants comprise a substantial part of the diet, the chemicals could accumulate over time to harmful levels. A good reason to feed a varied diet... I still have a Plants page at my Anapsid site, with links to some good toxic and safe plant resources.
Take good care...
Hello my name is Diana i live in Arlington VA...and i have had trouble finding a good veterinary clinic to help me out with my chinese water dragon..I think hes very sick and he wont eat, Drink, shed, or go to the bathroom.. i know hes weak because he wont run or hold on to my shoulder anymore..Please help me out..
If you haven't already done so, check out the lists of vets & resources at my Herp Vets page, If there aren't any close enough to you, check with the herp societies and rescues in VA to see if they know of any.
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