...he's in his own. Usually. Last night I came home from a meeting to find him sound asleep under my dresser. He crept out from under this morning just enough for me to be able to easily pick him up and put him in his nice warm bath. Spoiled? Nah.
Anyway, here's some pics from Monday night...
An ant's eye view:

A (low flying) bird's eye view:

Look at that manly jowl!

With a ruler, for perspective:
Change of Pace....While I have been knitting squares for the SonomaBlanket Project and preemie blankets for the knitting guild's hospital stash, I've stayed away from other baby stuff. I did knit a little hat to match the last preemie blanket, but that's about it.
A couple of people (well, women) I know are expecting babies in the next several months. I was going to knit my usual hooded bath blanket, but then decided to try something different. Not sure what, but different.
I signed up for the new
Knitting Daily e-newsletter from Interweave Press, and came across a pattern for Sandi Wiseheart's Vine Lace Baby Hat. I don't know why it attracted me, but it did, so I did. Here's my first one, being modeled by a naval orange since it wouldn't fit Mike's head:

The increases in the pattern rows, which are balanced by an equal number of decreases, makes a lovely scalloped edge. My brain just doesn't do lace, and while the last 8 even numbered rows are each different and so it requires a bit of concentration as you shape the crown, I find the first three inches to be rather rhythmic and relaxing, as I do the Midwest Moonlight scarf.
So, along with making some of these baby hats for the women I know, thought I'd make some for the hospital stash, too.
If you want to get the pattern, hurry up and sign up for
Knitting Daily. The e-newsletter is free, as is this pattern.
Off to cast on #2!
Labels: baby hat, bed, Community knitting, Mike